1- -1 i pr- -y -r-. Nature makes the cures after all. things are coming to pass in these guests of Mr. and Mrs. L.
M. days to remind us of a fact thatj Sheppard Sunday. THURSDAY APril 14, 1910. Two Mighty Attractive Things About Now ana men sac vj iw mo LtKiii uuaang aown uxe stream of life. It will not be Ions gets and We Give Atuay AbsottdelyiFree of Cost into a tight till we Shall be in aifrht rf tha SifceinBloch Smart Clothes This lf i landing on the other shore.
is a wounderf ul Btream needs I Local TK Peonle'a Common Sense' Medical Adrtser. in rlain urr Mrs. Nelson Sheppard, of Bun-yon, visited friends in Washington last week. Miss Lillie Alligood spent Saturday night an i Sunday with Mrs. J.
T. Alligixxl at Broad Creek. Mr. J. A Allisrood and familv 4 i iim in English, or Medicine Simplified, by V.
Pieroe, M. D.t Chief Consultioi Physician to the Invalids' Hotel and Sar-Insfjouto at Buffalo, a book of 1008 Iarfe peiee and with a landing on both sides, one on the right aud on th lett andwf are all ready in tur boats along this stream fast making for one of th-ise Rh.trea. rWrt unralir will the v. ron: J'JJ -3 Jill. a SomeUimcr is needed to Mr.
li. Li. M. Aurj- frpeut Sundays with Mr. and Mrs.
will land. 80 rc, luaae us a pieisaut calMoa C- i l.TL III' sail and "certainly who will you take ij oartonns Woolard at Bunyon. "Witch Hazel." start risrht for your guide THE first one is the price. You get an exquisitely tailored I product at a reasonable self -re specting price. The next attractive thing is the suit itself.
Its dra? and hang and exclusiyeness of sign are tbere in every line. These qualities discriminate the the to tins beautiful land? The ques The Hub has tlie rystem direction tc change of! ad tion is ietc to you and to m. vard health over 700 illustrations, paper covers, to any one endlnl 21 one-cent stamp to cover cost cf ly, or tin French Cloth binding for 31 stamps. Over 680,000 copies of this complete Family Doctor Book were' sold in cloth binding at regular price Afterwards, one and a half million copies Were iven away as above. 'vk new, op-tordata revised edition is now ready.
for mailing. Better send NOW, before' alt are gone; Address World's Dis-nNSAar Medical AssociATto, R. V. PieroaM. D.t President, Buffalo, N.
Y. DR. PIKUCE'S FAVORITE PRE8CRIPTIOX THK ONE REMEDYflor woman's paonBar ailments good enough that its makers ore not afraid to print en ks outside wrapper its every ingredient. No Secrets No Deeeption. THE ONE REMEDYflor women which aosttaina no alcohol and so hab it-f rmin drngs! Made' from native medicinal forest roots of well established curiatrve varne.
u. 1 it and give theui this week. Read a call. We have had some frost and Frm Ftirfhld Mr. Robert Jchnette, of Lake X- 1 vyuiniort, paiu us a pleasaut cali Saturday.
ice recently, but Uttle if any dam- Cot is up and looking nice for age to the crops as a result, i season of the year. Thei is right much s-ckness! Little Walter Burrus, son of in the community of different! Dr. and Mrs. J. A.
Mann is very kinds. i I Hope he will soon, recover. Mr. F. D.
Taylor, of this com-' Mr. Ben Midyette and Miss munity, has become totally blind Ruth Spencer, of Middleton, are in his left eye. This is a sad state visiting friends at this place. StcinBIoch Judge iJ. A.
Leigh, of Bel- ScoU's Emulsion of Cod Liver Cil with hypo-phosphites can do just this. It strengthensj nerves, feeds famished tissues, and makes rich naveu, paid us a pleasant caU ottturuay. iwead the change of ad of J. of affairs for a young man SOME rHINjQ QO0D FOR THE FARMERtis POCKET-BOOK and issue give -v w. D.
Wearer from the crowd. You'll feel the difference after you get 3 one on will other people. We carry the complete line ot STEIN-BLOCH -Spring and Mr. Bennie Jennette, of. Middleton, is a visiUir here today i Mrs.
IT. F. Cwindell I is at Dr. jv. xxoyi in tms niui a call.
Mr. Jesse S. blood. Hodges, from From River Road Station Do not buy yourj Guano, Phosphate and Kai Herbrt Afann's havincr HAntl the country. taid! FGl SI VTZ Ait-EUTTOGISTS us a pleasant He wilH can Saturday.
nit without seeirig D. M. CARTER. bummer Keady to Wear Suii 1 On Weddesday, April 6th, the work done. order of the Charitable Brother- hood gave their anniversary pic- SmndeU, Mr, nic and celebration at Lodge No.
Jennie, Midyette and Mrs. L. 1, of Bunyon, which was attend- i mljy. Wm. Bragavd Co.
have a S. nJ of paper and tbla cd. tor ooi tKauti.iil Uani i.nJ Cuilu's EkutcU-ttook jci bnn't contains a UooC Luck fenajr. j. i SCOTT BOWNE.
409 Pearl SU New York enange ot ad tins Week. Read it and give them a call. Call and Try Some On. AnKira i.r oomKia tew, 0out one mile in the coun wr make you a veryJLow Price- He also carneSja full Line of Groceries, Ory Goods, and Shoes: Tobacco and Snuff; Hay, Honitney, Hulls and Cotton Seei X. 11.
CARTER r. visitors from Washington and have a Read it Bowers-Lewis I chauge of ad this week, and give them a dl. Beet Seeds try with Mrs. A. L.
Cuthrell one day this week. We were very much pained to learn this morning that Mrs. John Roberts, of South Lake, other places were present, j. While the choir sang, jwith Miss Stella Congleton presiding at the organ, the members of the Brotherhood filed up the aisle to the rostrum. SETS Fhouidbe And ONION S.
R. Fowle Son have two new ad in this issie. Read them fBowers-Lcwis Company once. Another lot at aud give them a call. was dead.
Uur sympathy croes wVest MainfiSt. Washington NV C. Mr. M. Congleton, founder of out to Mr.
Roberts, who has sutler ariiveti vouay iuarcu oiu. Clark has a the fraternity, called the roll of ed the I si of.two? wives within James) E. change of ad this week. Read BOG ART'S DRUG AND the- officers installed for to say and drive the en-; about two years. Mrs.
Roberts L. F. was sisterto Sheriff E. O. Spen- what they have them a call.
suing yeais as follows SEEDS STORE. Alligood, president; J. Q. jxLix.ua, cor. Which XzII JEojarpped Store.
vice-president; James Asby, chap Attorney John 1 H. Bonner Pi Owing to the beautiful spring Waxhtneton. N. C. 1 A Market Street, lain; A.
T. Darden, lecturer; C. A. Singleton, secretary; W. W.
Bergeon, treasurer; H. Congleton, marshal; A. BJ Alli weather, the farmers are well ad vanced in their i i X. I April 2, 1910. Catarrh Canoot be Cirtd IRC -a 0 lifelS yiV 1 Mfifmye isy 1 Suerb Service to a BALT1M I Via CHRSA-Pfi VKE LINE (Na By Line) 1 I i '-y and Augusta.
Tpitilae Ropan.oi tloon DiclU. Elegit Tibia i'uocs Di 113- 75 Club Breakfast 2 to 60c. Polite sttantiou aal tb.5 bet ssrviea 1:1 -jvrvr way. Wa solicit criticism of out service. Leave Norfolk (foot of Jack A sou Street) daily, except riuoday, 6.15 p.
ro. Airive Batuaiira 7 a iu connectiu with rail fox PhUH4elphia -ew Vork aud all point -F1 ast and West farther information aud reservations aJdre-w f. good, doorkeepe; W. H. Rogers, sergeant at arms; W.
Ax Congleton, marshal fof the dayi. Rev. IM iH f7T.lKi.i:C7sw 1 C. E. Lee eloquently addressed; 1 i-T nas a law card this issue.
His office is in the Wi leberg building on Market street, The Judge has ordered the Federal Court continued to meet here on Wednesds iy, April 20th, instead of Monday, 18th. i The Washington Horse Exchange Co.1, is bjuilding a large DUSgy storage room on Second street, adjoining their stables.) The Presbjtery is in session at the First Presbyterian church 'wit the- audience and gave a cordial with TioHAT. APPT.fn ATmw welcome to all visitors. The table were laden with both sub i v. ivput-tion m3 tke 4 jj stantial and delicious viands and OTer ly c.csifrn for I churciiec, cometenc disease.
Catarrh is a blood or constitutional in order to cure it you must take internal L. Candler. all present were invited to partake F. R. McMillin.
T.F.A. Iron vases. Iron so' Leo thereof. The weather was quite Any thins you wnt in the way of builders' tools and builds Hardware. An we've got another thing too, that wears hard That's AT LR Portland Cement.
It's the same quality of coment that Uncle Sim just ordered five million barrels of for the Panama Canalffj They've got the best 'engineers in the world there and the certainly know what they're doing. GenV Agti remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acta NORFOLK, VA. here this week. Jx-(jveruor R.
fine B. Glenn delivered a very -a T. H. McDaniell, G. P.
Baltimore, Md. rectly on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quick medicine It was prescribed by one the best physi address last nigh W'tlMVAlMmitWAWsMW 11 i Cmll ftcd Be them pricts Trill smr- --Forest fires have done great cians in this country for years prie yoa. W'ax geais lor tali. lociUiiy.
damage on the south side of the pleasant until afternoon when we had showers, during which time a musical entertainment was given by the choir, Miss Stella Congleton presiding at the organ and Messrs. A. T. Darden and Jack Taylor with violinsJ After the rain passed there was a parade and comedy on the roadway which was quite amusing. At night a very entertaining concert was given by tne minstrel band, and the hall was crowded.
Al and is a regular, prescription. It is composed of the best tonics TnE J. H. SIMMONS MAKBLE AND GRANITE COMPANY, Wuhin jon, C. river recently.
We are told jthat nearly all the wood land between here and Aurora lias been burned. known, combined with the best blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect A revival meeting will begin combination of the two ingredi CaroIlMi. Ia Tho Superior CXort, llj ae CoUHljr. Spring Tetm, 1910.
at the First Baptist church next ents is what produces such wonder bunday. Rev. R. A. McFarland together it was'a very enjoyable Iu re Lt Will and Testament uf M.
Mann, Deceased. KOTICE. ful results in curing of Scotland Neck, will dd the occasion and everything splendid, preachingi The public is invited to attend these services. I v.tta I. hinhv riven to J- unless, perhaps, a few eyes might i nnn-rsidUU 01 ua Send for testimonial free.
F. J. CHENEY" Toledo, Sold by Druggists, 75c have acked with watching for civil action bus been commenced In bU1 ooun- friends who did not come. The J. H.
Harris Plumbing and Supply i has purchased Take Hall's Family; Pills for The information given by the the lot on Main street where the mnRtmanon. t- 1 editor regarding his visit to the 1 for the purpose of caveauug uie -wii iuu liiteJo.uM. Mann, which said cause stands for tril at the next term of our Superior court, commencing on the 10th Monday after the fin Monday in March, W10, at Swan Quarter, North troliua; when and where said parties are risuired to appear and plead, answer or rlniiur to the complaint or caveat of the cavea- the 12th day of March jj tropics has been, read with much bowling alley jwas. The old wooden structure has been re NOTICE OK SPECIAL. TERM.
Hi 0Jm69nlmi Parinieir Sifii i 1 I Seed, Seed, Mfflm GMWSlit I See Our Attractive Display -at i crnvK Dr. Hardy's Drug Store. COyK STOVES y. Oo Have been In Continual use for 6vt; 25 years Best iV" -ssi y- interest and appreciation and we By direction of the Board of County Com moved and a three story brick hope he will give us another such building will ba i erected in its treat in the near future. Clerk Superior Court of Hyde County, stead.
This wilfi add to, the looks misstoners, nouce is nereoy given insi opon application to the Oovernor of MorUi Carolina, spedal term of Uie Superior Coart lor Btmu fort county baa been ordered to be held at the Court House in Washington, berianlsg; Hon-dav. Mav th. U10L for the traasacUoa of crim Wanl i rimes, At'tys lor The comet has been here by of that part of the city and shows a spirit of improvement. NOTICE OF 8ALE. some of our villagers.
inal and civil business generally, and that the said, snecial term will nave all the jaatsdletlon Mrs. Ellen Woolard is spend and powers that regular term of tha Muperlor Friday a piefnic and educa UHit aavei. au persons aaa wn mummm um-iaoad aC the rerular or special tern aud of- ing this week with her son, Mr, Sartorius Woolard at Bunyon. doers or others who may be bound to attend tional rally was held at, Zion school house. There was a good By virtue the power of sale contained in niofucaev deed exo-nted by Horace Jenkins ami wile to W.
B. Redditt, datnd April iilh, 101, asd recorded in the Register's otHoe or lU'aufort eonnty in B-k 112, page 370, which is hereby reiVrrel to, and as ex-catori of the mid W. B. Heuditt.decefU)ed, I will sell at forcawhto the highent bidder, at Uie Court Houxe door In Beaufort county, at u.mHiv lh.dT of Anril.li10.aU the next secular term of the eurt shall attend Mr. Willis, Mr.
and Mrs. J. R. the special trna under the same rales, torfct-tures and neaalUea, as if the term were a re- ly number present and the layout was fine, i Mr. Peele, Superinten Allierood.
of Washington, Mr. rniarone. This April Ms, 1310. GILBERT UUHLKY. and Mrs.
F. R. Black, of Bunyon, dent of Schools of Martin county, tlAt t.act of land, situated in Richland Town- CJerk. to-Aeaid. and Mrs.
Augustas Alligood were made a good speech, also Mr. H. uliip. Beaufort county, described in saia mortiPMte as fellows: it k.nivfM(iriuid hourht by the said S. Ward and others made short on the market; Each 1 a dpai mam Stoves at Moderate Prices party of the first put from the Crawford heirs, airi mai.iniiMr the landa of Thomas and talks.
The editor of the Progress tat -v -1 was there and enjoyed the day A rail Lane of urnure yarriea William Crawford and others. This March llb, Wia, l. Guaranteed. St! very much. Kxecator of W.
B. Kedditt, deceased. THE REASOM XJKV- On March 26, at Bath, Wm. Lee shot Peter Grist, both color ed. Grist was shot through the Skidder hadds: log-woods hands JEFFERSON FURNITURE theigh.
He was brought here to and hands. None but Is not always clothed ia fins garments, and there is no doubt an overdressed man doe3 more ta iajare thiabaaaSt hU appetrancs. Join' the crowd of "Happy and have your clothes becomingly and tailored by us. See our; Easter line today. The Fowle Hospital for treatment -Iff But he was neyona recovery the best need to apply.
C. B. WKA-THK-trNGT ON, with lock iaw when broajrht here. COMPANY Sunt. Broaddos Ives Lumber Grist died AdtiI th and Lee wa (Vimnanv.
I arrested and a bearing was bad lei is tli New Bern' N. C. 1 before A. Majro, J. P.
fie was in iail to await a hearine in hp the Sunerior Cosirfe. The! trouble WtsKmton MarKet MA. TO was over a woman. Tha nmintxi "Democratic Com mumnn WCEELT BT H. 9 13 ins best tc-i: ferFeeWeCMPeeDeScateCli214r7e Perseas, and to Cosatcnct Cbroak CW5a, OtAds axdl CroacMtiSjis because ItcooACTestbetre swt worid-fained tonics the medlcimal, strengthening, bodvwsktegelemoBW nil cir If APRIL ej 1910.
ill mittee met Saturday and adopted 12 Dry Flint HiAes, pe Ls-y 8alt per 10 the former plan of holding the i'; to orimaries and I the convention. Dry ides, d'eed VVright5, Tailoring Parlors, "Who Taiiars Bast ia j5a3hington." Says Baker, Photographer 1 Tares Dollars iavjitsl ii 'a dozen nice pbotoi at.m," st'i It wil give more presents, last longer and will be appreciated more than anything you could buy for five times this amount. If yoa liver OH end Tonic Iroa, wKbostt a tjr grease, J-5 The primaries were called to meet A Sipmsht iotf Our Saturday. June 25, ana toe coua 20 15 Urela BU x4iaea Clreea Hides Deer Skin Flint Bait Coru, pef bushel Hen KfiKb per doeea 4 ty conventon td elect delegates to th State. Congressional, Judi tarstes good, mud agrees with every one.
We mtam your money widMstft iF VSaol doeotocompluhall wedaaaforit. WASHINGTON DRUG I OCX, 70 to 75 A cial and So latorial Conventions. 25 to 26 have neveryisted our studio give us a call; inspect our work. It was decided I if the pln of 01- 10 to 15 NO. 1 oniation would permit 10 noii.
want your trade aud will treat you ngnt. Ask tne Washington people Beeswax, per lb Wool, free from burt. Sneep Bttius, each Lamb ghderlinga the primaries as formerly, viz 20 40 to 7 20 to 30 5 to 10 30 to 40 15 r. 30 Friday night idi Washington and Baker's Studio. Washington, K.
RAlhaven. Saturday mornmaf at Grown chickens Cor. Main and Market Sts. mme other precincts and Satur Hnr ntr 1 R. L.
STEWART, 151 tt14 HatafVtttm day afternoon at 3 o'clock at the B. E. Pejus bus? 50 and Jeweler. Maker Watch balance ot tne pretancw. iur ate Convention meets Jjuly 12th at Charlotte.
Sshd lis Your Orders Now for is' Fwld Pes bu -4-1 to l-W Mixed Peas bus 1 1-00 to I.50 Daoidze Peas bus 70 Hoja Beau bus 1 p0 to 1 26 Peanuts per lb 2J to 3 1-2 KpinLih in bus 30Iba 1.0 to 1.2o Dtnuue pt-aouts about j.lct to 1 lb Savings Trust Bld'g, N. a MaHMM1MBMBMaHnMMaBBaaaaa ust received a big supply oi silverware and We Planters We Guaifantee It to Please You. -R X-'O-N1 Gp; Cut Glass; suitable for Wedding Presents, The District Federal Court con venes here on Wednesdays Apiil 20th. The following iaja list oi the jury for the said court: B. Respass, C.
F. Batemar Benjamin Potter, Paul I Spruill, Rufus Boyd, jPlury Peel, J. J. Jnhntrwi- R. L.
Dudley. W. S. Wake a specialty of repairing. Lightwood Wanted.
Clt terms and specifications. WE ENGRAVE. Kato wVion von can deliver. The Wholesale fGroccrs, Vik. M.
D. Leecrett, Crawford Jewelry Store- Stewart's Belhaven Pine Oil Works, Bel haven, N. C. i sal W. W.
Mason; D. R-xAama J. B. Johnson. Jas.
WE HAVE THE VERY BEST. Daisy, Hamilton, Avery Union, iVloline. j.uuwi -r Davenport, Wm. Siterson. ThosL Leg- L.
Wynne, Robt, Ml H. Stancell, Single Comb White horns. M. CarterL c. S.
Price, Ratcliff, J. M. Hams Wvckoff strain of celebrated -Far tha Sake" Use Bragaw' Paaa FerttHtvers i Respass, Faean, ChasJ W. B. Geo.
N. layers. Took first prie at Au Everetti This is a new one. made by lora fair. 50c for 1 5 selected eggs.
J. Carson, J. Chesson, N. 11 Jackson, J. Rick.
Albert Merriph IS" F. B. Miller, Nathan W. R. Tetterton, N.
Avery, and you will do well to You will be satisfied with it- Fleming; J. Selbv. J. P4 Kill Ihe Potato Bugs cbme and see it. Briton, U.
o. Hie-hsmith. Jas. A ANNOURCEUENT. Carr.
5 j. THEgQEM THEATRE i NEVENINO spent in VsPCtlt iil Washington Is not complete unless you in-XLbCatCt cf ude a visit to the Xi Where you can always 5 ano see the Best of Pictures -v; 1 rrrew and hcar a Qood Flve lUCenig Piece Orchestra. II r.lATTaNEE Saturday Aftercooris cSL 4 0dscli Irr Iff you want BUG POISON to save your -A J' Potatoes; 6 rler from: GHillSD PLOWS. I will be a candidate before the Democratic primaries and the next Democratic District for the nomination as Solicitor of the First Judicial District of this State. I I request the support of all Democrats.
If nominated and elected I promise to discharge the From 'chocowiDitf. This isabeautifttl world filled ith many thing, in which we should rejoic! and be glad all our days, yet sin and. trasjsgressiors is going on as( if there wasn't any reward for beantiful life hved at the foot of; the1 caosa, umd it- i onVl vnrlriAMnnnt or the fl'Wm- BRAGAW COMPANY, y. N. i McKel-Richardson Hardware Co.
7 i Hi duties of said office, fairly and Cera ricsl fedi HcTlx lfc Hen aze fading Feb. 1st, 1910. 'SeSl crrrrr.