Elmira history: Beloved priest James. J. Bloomer oversaw launch of St. Patrick's Church (2024)

“The sun of a beautiful January day streamed through the stained glass windows and seemed to focus rays of all colors of the spectrum on the scene in the sanctuary," reported the Star-Gazette on Jan. 12, 1931. "The church, with normal seating capacity of 1,000 persons, was crowded three times beyond that.About 2,000 people were outside the church unable to enter …”

The scene was St. Patrick’s Church in Elmira.Faithful Catholics had gathered for the investiture ceremonies for Father James. J. Bloomer to be elevated to the papal rank of Domestic Prelate with the title Monsignor in the Household of Pope Pius XI.

On Oct. 2, 1931, Bishop Francis O’Hern, head of the Rochester Diocese, saluted Monsignor Bloomer on his 90th birthday as the “Nestor of the clergy of the United States … I know of no other clergyman or prelate who has arrived at Msgr. Bloomer’s age and is still active in the administration of a parish as large as St. Patrick’s.”

A little over a month later, on Nov. 10, 1931, the Star-Gazette reported the death of Monsignor Bloomer:“The city of Elmira, the world of churchmen, the country — all have lost a great friend, a distinguished clergyman, a beloved priest, a servant of the people ... .”

Monsignor Bloomer had been a priest for 63years, spending 61 of them serving St. Patrick’s Church.

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Elmira history: Beloved priest James. J. Bloomer oversaw launch of St. Patrick's Church (1)

James J. Bloomer was born in County Tyrone, Ireland, on Oct.2, 1841.Four years later, his parents immigrated to the United States, settling in Philadelphia.

He was raised in that city with a growing desire to become a priest.At age 21, he qualified for entrance at St. Bonaventure College.At the Eastertide in 1867, he was to be ordained by the Rt. Rev. John Timon, Bishop of Buffalo.At that time, the Southern Tier was part of the Buffalo Diocese. Unfortunately, on the Monday of Holy Week preceding Easter and his ordination, the bishop died.It would not be until Dec. 19, 1868, that the newly appointed bishop was able to ordain Father Bloomer.After a short stay in Buffalo, he was assigned to Salamanca.

In 1870,the Catholics of Elmira lost two priests who had served them at St. Peter and Paul’s Church.One of them, the Rev. Patrick Hopkins, had been sent to Elmira to establish a new parish in the northwestern part of the city. On Dec. 30,1869, he had purchased a site at the junction of Park Place and Main Street, the present location of St. Patrick’s Church, for $4,000 intending to build a church.

Hopkins' passing led to Father Bloomerbeing called to carry on his work.Shortly after his arrival, the Rev. Peter Bede, of St. Peter and Paul’s, died.Father Bloomer undertook administration of that church while continuing the work of building St. Patrick’s until a replacement was found.

The history of the Roman Catholic faith in Newtown/Elmira dates back to an occasional visit of a missionary priest around 1800.Except for those visits, the only means early settlers had of preserving their religious spirits were devotions practiced in their homes. As their numbers increased, around 1825, the First Presbyterian Church allowed their Catholic neighbors to use their wooden chapel at Church and Baldwin streets. Eventually, on Oct. 11, 1845, the first property purchased by a Catholic Church was acquired on the corner of East Market and High streets, with the goal of building a church.On Sept.8, 1854, the cornerstone for the present-day St. Peter and Paul’s building was laid.

The ethnic diversity and geographic distribution of Catholics in the city, along with a likely increase in their numbers, were recognized during this period with the creation of three new parishes. The German-speaking parish of St. John the Baptist, formed around 1866-68;St. Patrick’s parish in 1869;and St. Mary’s in 1872 reflected the growth in the northwestern and southern portions of the city respectively.

Father Bloomer arrived in Elmira just as the new St. Patrick’s parish was being formed to serve the growing Catholic flock.On July 4, 1870, before his arrival, the people of St. Patrick’s held a big picnic and raised enough money, $1,600, to pay for a modest frame structureto serve as their first church.Round about that temporary building, the outer walls of what is today the present St. Patrick’s Church would be constructed.

Upon the laying of the cornerstone for the new building, the Daily Advertiser of July 1, 1872, reported that “the new church is on one of the most prominent and sightly spots in the whole city … St. Patrick’s is to be one of the most imposing structures in our city …much credit is due to Rev. J.J. Bloomer, the pastor of the church, for his persistent energy and drive in hastening along the parish that has been under his charge to the work of building such an edifice for their worship.”

The estimated cost was $60,000.A little over two years later, on Dec. 14, 1874, the Advertiser noted, “the new and beautiful St. Patrick’s Church … was dedicated yesterday … in the presence of a very large congregation.”

In January1883, Bishop Ryan, of the Diocese of Buffalo (Elmira would not become part of the Diocese of Rochester until 1896), purchased property at the southwest corner of Park Place and West Clinton Street, diagonally opposite the church, for $9,000.The site was to be used for the parochial residence, which was to be built at an estimated cost of $6,500.The rectory would be the home of Father Bloomer, his elderly mother and a meeting place for parish groups, such as the Ladies Aid Society.

But there might have been more to this purchase than met the eye.In May1892, it was reported that a rumor had been revived that Father Bloomer anticipated turning the parochial residence into a school.The present building would be considerably enlarged. With plans prepared by the architectural firm of Pierce and Bickford, contractor Thurston and Haskell began construction of the school in late 1892.The project would cost approximately $35,000.

The school opened in 1894.The teachers were from the Sisters of Mercy, out of Batavia.In June of 1895, the first graduation took place.

There were seven students, all girls.According to the Courier Journal of June 23, 1971, “The art and science of fund raising had not been developed when Msgr. James J. Bloomer faced his first deficit.He took the direct approach: levied a tax and dispatched collectors … With a new school to pay for out of Sunday income, Msgr. Bloomer needed an additional source of revenue for teacher’s salaries.He taxed each wage earner 25 cents a month to get the money.The amount needed was little indeed by today’s standards, $1,000 to pay five teachers.”

Ausburn Towner, in his "History of Chemung County," when describing the building of St. Patrick’s Church, sums up the Rt. Rev. Msgr. James J. Bloomer best:“It’s upbuilding is due to the zeal and intelligence of its pastor, the Rev. J.J. Bloomer, who to a Christian character added a business tact and judgement that eminently fit him for the position he occupies.He is a Philadelphian by birth and has won his own way in the world since a lad.He is much loved by his people and has the confidence and respect of the whole community.”

Jim Hare is a former history teacher and mayor of the City of Elmira. His column appears monthly in the Star-Gazette.Support our journalism and become a digital subscriber today. Click here for our special offers.

Elmira history: Beloved priest James. J. Bloomer oversaw launch of St. Patrick's Church (2024)
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